HOWDY do! End of the week synopsis on daily wisdom...
Wednesday: Remember to employ optimism when things look grim! My brother is a good happy guy, I'll give him that, but boy oh boy he can be negative when the only thing left to hang on to is optimisim. This morning he was giving one of his "woe is me" sagas [Randall says it best] and I turned to the positive side of things which, in effect, caused him to say "you know, you're right". Of course I am dirty dog! I also realized that when I am alone I stay up way too late. If I were single I'd be horribly sleep deprived but I'd probably be a lot thinner. In Matt's absence I realize he and I really enjoy to eat together. A lot.
Thursday: One of my goals this year is to practice patience. It's so much easier to cave into a hasty demeanor. It takes tremendous will from me to quiet my mind in such predicaments. I am getting better at being a little more enduring and I am proud of myself. Tonight as 11 ladies and one gent rolled dice I managed to insert a little patience into the challenge. Those of you who've never played - especially with my feisty group - it's a nerve wracking game of 6's and it's easy to switch to ornery. Despite one minor breakdown following a snide suggestion that I cheated on a roll (bitch), I was a good girl this evening. I stuck around and chatted for a couple of hours with 2 of my favorite girl friends and found myself crawling into bed, after high tailin' it into my house and stripping off every piece of clothing, at 12:45. YIKES. That is late for this girl. It was worth it in the end because I thoroughly enjoyed the stimulating coversation. Not to change the subject but that Michelle Abu Hamileiha [no idea how to spell] can shake her thang, ya'll. It's rather intimidating - and a little awkward! She broke it down for us dirty style. I've never seen a white girl move like that!
Friday is here! It's Superbowl weekend and that means absolutely nothing to me. I'm excited about Matthew coming home and squeezing him until he winces. In other news, I have the Jack Russell fever and the only prescription is inviting a Jack Russell Terrier to come home with me. While chronically bored I googled some JR pics and came across this terrifying headline that broke my heart:
South Dakota Mountain Lion Gets Jack Russell
What a dick.
I have a handheld humidifer glued to my face this afternoon (a Walgreens steal at nine dollars and ninety nine cents). It's soothing! I am ready to get this weekend started so let's do it.